Ted began his gospel music career at the age of 5, when he and Anna Kay Rogers regaled the congregation of Grace Chapel (his father’s church) with a heartfelt rendition of “Oh Little Town Of Bethlehem”. This stunning success was followed a few months later with a solo performance of “He Lives”. Seriously though, Ted’s been singing a long time – and writing songs too. His thoughts and ideas have found their way into poetry since grade school. Songwriting followed not long after.
Having written well over a hundred songs and choruses gives him an extensive range of choices – both in style and message – which serves him well. It’s hard to classify his music. Though Southern Gospel has always been a favorite, performing as a single brings limitations to what is traditionally though of as ‘quartet music’. Not a problem, though. His writing is in a wide variety of styles. Unique sounds, as heard in “Dirty Foot Blues” and “Little Foxes” contrast nicely with the more ‘easy-going’ feel of “Blinded By The Glory”. Songs like “Intercessor” and “Jesus Hears” bring an intimacy as Ted shares the heart of his ministry.
Ted is a member of the Pacific Gospel Music Association and travels throughout the northwest. Though he has spent time as a Youth Director, Associate Pastor, and Bible School Instructor his heart has always been in music. Really, this is a natural flow in a developing artist.
As Ted ministers the music in his heart, he brings an openness and honesty that never fails to touch. It’s the music of encouragement from one who’s been there. His vocal style is smooth and his faith, security, and pleasure in The Lord are refreshing.
Listen to the words of “The Prayer”…
Let Your hand be upon my hand, Dear Lord,
And Your words through my lips flow.
Help me realize – looking through Your eyes,
The souls that do not know.
May my heart beat with Your compassion,
As I hear their dying cry.
And when you seek for a voice to speak,
Hear me say, “Lord, here am I”.
Ted and Kathleen Watson have recently 'sold the farm' and moved to Salem, Oregon. Moving from 30 acres with horses, cattle, pigs, chickens, (etc, etc, etc) into town has been an enormous change of lifestyles. But it's given them the freedom to travel and minister on an extended basis.
It's all about answering the call...
